Friday, February 14, 2014

Destroying Our Earth

Man has always strived to make life better and easier for himself. We have had many achievements that have fulfilled this desire, with inventions such as steam/internal combustions engines, which burn fossil fuels and pollute the air, or filling holes with our trash. These things although they might make life easy, still cause harm and will, eventually, actually make life harder. We need to start thinking about different ways of sustaining our way of life because we are literally destroying our planet. We need to come up with solutions for these problems and I’d like to propose some.

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Burning fossil fuels is the primary source of powering our homes and appliances. Its almost impossible to imagine our lives without these energy sources. However important and indispensable they may be, we need to think about other ways because it is seriously harming our Earth. When we burn fossil fuels we are releasing carbon from the fuels back into the atmosphere along with other side products created from burning fuel. Our atmosphere is filling up with this carbon which traps the Sun’s heat and raises Earth’s temperatures gradually. This is apparent when we look at where glaciers used to be and don’t see them anymore! There are a lot of places where glaciers have melted because of this global warming. This isn't the only way we’re destroying our planet, though.

Stuffing our trash into the ground just sounds dumb. The idea is that it will decompose and probably turn into fossil fuels again, but at the rate we’re burying them, we will run out of space to stick our trash. Even though the trash is being buried, its not decomposing at all. There have been whole foods found when the dumps have been re-exposed after many years. This is a big problem because the trash isn't even doing what we want it to! We’ll never get rid of it. We need to try to make some better stuff that will not use up materials that produce a lot of waste. WE need to try to make things that can be decomposed easier. We need to stop making useless trash that sucks! We not only need to worry about these direct effects, but also look beyond them and try to fix other problems.

There are other negative effects that both of these things bring. Just trying to get these things affects our planet. Looking and digging for these fossil fuels and dumps creates pollution and harms the environment. There are a bunch of things we do that affect the world. However there are also a bunch of ways(however little they may seem) that can make it better. Unplugging the power cord, try to reduce our car usage, etc.! Get out there, conserve energy, and save the world!